Have a Drishti?

Read below to help you discover the meaning of your drishti

Yogi Samantha has  used drishtis in her practice of yoga to realize her dream of being a kind, motivational and supportive Yoga Instructor and student . Her dream now is for you too to use the power of a drishti to realize your own dreams.

“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.” ~Joseph Campbell

Below tells you what your Drishti might mean buy color and some ideas on how to use your Drishti to add focus to what you want in your life.

Red Drishti

The color Red is symbolic of the root chakra also called Muladara (mula means root) chakra (means spinning wheel) and is located at the base of your spine. The red drishti could help you focus on you living or financial situation. It can also symbolize what is truly important to you. There are eight limbs of Yoga. The first limb is the Yamas (means right living). There are five of them. The first one is called Ahimsa which means non-harming. Ahimsa relates to being kind to yourself. This is the mula or root of being a path of yoga. This drishti can also remind you of your path.

Orange Drishti

The color Orange is symbolic of the sacral chakra also called Swadhistana Chakra. This chakra is located about an inch below the belly button. It is symbolic for sensual energy and also creative energy. This drishti could help you get over a creative slump or remind you to feel more beautiful in your own skin. The second limb of yoga is the Niyamas. There are five Niyamas and one of them is Santosha. Santosha is accepting and being grateful for what you have. This is key for a happy life. Let this drishti inspire you to keep a gratitude journal so that you will always remember how lucky you are.

Yellow Drishti

The color Yellow is symbolic for the solar-plexes chakra and is also called Manipura Chakra. This chakra is located just below the ribcage. Manipura is symbolic of the gut feelings you have, or intuition. Let this drishti remind you to trust your inner wisdom and not to worry. All the answers you need are within you. The third limb of yoga is Asana or poses. Yes, poses are only one of the eight limbs. Your yellow drishti can remind you to practice yoga so that your body is tone, fine-tuned and healthy. Then your intuition will be working at its peak performance.

Green Drishti

The color Green is symbolic for the heart chakra and is also called Anahata. This chakra is located right in the middle of your ribcage. It is concerned with all things LOVE. Let this drishti remind you that LOVE is the answer. Show compassion to someone who may not even deserve it. Make some stranger’s day and pay forward a token of generosity. Remember all the love you put out in the world multiplies infinitely. The forth limb is Pranayama. Pranayama is breath control. Prana means life force. Let your beautiful drishti remind you to follow your breath and when you do that, you will be in the moment, where love is.

Blue Drishti

The color Blue is symbolic of the throat chakra and is also called Vishuddha. This chakra is located in the neck. This chakra is all about all forms of self-expression. Let a person know what you do that is special. Tell someone how you really feel. Sing! Dance! Play! The fifth limb of yoga is Pratyahara which means to control the senses. This is done by meditating on an inner focus. This inner focus can be on a point (like a drishti) or an idea. Choose an idea that helps you really know what you want to express in the world. Remember every word, and every thought is an action and they can make the world a better place or cause harm. Spending time focusing on true expression will help you to not cause harm.

Purple Drishti

Purple is symbolic for the third eye chakra. The third eye chakra is also called Anja. It is located between the eyebrows. This chakra is about exploring and focusing on the spiritual or higher self. Use your purple drishti to focus on your life's purpose or what yogi’s call Dharma. Maybe you are just looking for a way to connect with God or your higher power. Let this drishti help remind you to do that. Dharana is the sixth limb of yoga and the drishti is one of the wonderful tools to help you cultivated it. Dharana is about on pointed focus, completely immersing yourself in an activity, meditation or a yoga practice. When you do this everything else falls away and you are in the present moment. Let your drishti help you find the present moment!

Clear Drishti

Clear represents the highest chakra, the crown chakra. Sahasrara is the Sanskrit name for the crown chakra. Clear is every color in the spectrum and none of them at the same time. So like the color, Sahasrara is about everything in the world or even universe and none of it at the same time. Let your clear drishti remind you that you are very important and the world was made for you, and also everyone and everything out there is just as important as the world, and the universe was made for them too. The seventh limb of yoga is Dhyana. It is meditation on the divine. It is also devotion to the divine. If you believe in God, then let the drishti remind you of your love for God and his love for you. Let yourself be overwhelmed. If you do not believe in God let the drishti remind you of nature, the forces of nature, and all that still is just waiting to be discovered.

White Drishti

Pundarika means “white lotus” in Sanskrit. It is a symbol of purity and innocence. The lotus flower grows in mucky ponds and makes its way to the top to show it’s beauty. It rises above all the mud and makes something beautiful out of it. It is magic. The white drishti is to remind you of how much you can really do out of things that may not seem like much. You are more than your circumstances.

Black Drishti

In yoga there are five Kleshas. When you are living in the Kleshas you are seeing the world in a distorted way.
  • Ignorance (avidya)- not knowing the right way
  • Ego (asmita)- believing only you know the right way
  • Attachment to Pleasure (raga) – seeking pleasure over what is right or healthy
  • Aversion to Pain (dvesa) – running from things that could hurt you
  • Fear of Death (abhinivesah)- clinging to life
Let your black drishti remind you that you might not be seeing the big picture and to have faith.

Pearlized Drishti

If your drishti seems to have a pearly sheen to it, let it remind you of balance. This balance is for your life, that you will have the wisdom to know what to do, when to do it and that you will know when to say yes and when to say now. Within this balance, your dreams will come true.

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